Today begins the 10x10 Sleep Challenge. For the month of October, we’re going to bed at 10 PM. Join us in this relaxing journey to improve our nights and supercharge our days. The easiest and most effective way to have enough energy all day is to sleep properly at night. This challenge doesn’t require fancy equipment or special trackers. You don’t have to buy anything. Instead of asking you for more, this challenge invites you to do less. Accepting this challenge gives you permission at 9 PM to say, “I’m shutting down, switching my phone to airplane mode, dimming the lights and preparing for bed.” For many of us this is a real challenge. We have so many obligations during the day that it’s easy to stay up late at night squeezing in just a little more. See how the simplest act of going to bed on time positively impacts everything you do. Every day in October, we’re going to bed at 10. Do you accept this challenge to do nothing

…after 10

…except sleep?

This is your chance to apply the Pareto Principle to your life in a meaningful and practical way. Sleep is the ultimate recharge and powers everything we do. Go to bed at 10:00, recharge, and power through every day of October. Make the 10th month of the year your most consistent month of sleep by hitting your pillow at 10 PM. 10x your sleep tonight!