You turned off the computer and other screens at 8 PM and dimmed the lights in the house. You didn’t take any stimulants all day. At 10 PM you laid back on your pillow and closed your eyes to sleep. Only, you didn’t sleep. Minutes and hours rolled by as thoughts began to stir around your mind. You started off right. Why can’t you sleep?

Sometimes we can’t sleep because we have too much on our minds. One example is when we have unfinished business. While it could be work related, it doesn’t have to be. Maybe you didn’t finish a work assignment or forgot to make a call. Perhaps you ran out of time on your personal list and didn’t get to a task. Maybe your family is complaining because they wanted to go mini golfing and you didn’t fit it in today. The reasons go on, but all come back to one general idea. Something didn’t happen today that you think should have happened. This is one of the great challenges of modern life. With an abundance of opportunities and options we must choose where to focus. This is one of the core tenants of Pareto Guide. Your focus plays a huge impact on how your life turns out and how you feel about it.

When you can’t sleep at night because you’re focusing on what didn’t happen, it’s a negative mindset. This isn’t an accusation. It’s important to call this what it is. One of the best ways to stop negativity is to adopt a grateful mindset. Think of the things you did accomplish. Think of the things you are grateful for in life. Ask anybody who has lost a loved one or is fighting a serious illness. Each of us can be grateful for many things each day regardless of our circumstances. Life, health, and even the ability to go to bed at 10 PM under our own power are huge gifts. Focusing on gratitude will help settle your mind. It may be enough to let you sleep.

Sometimes that feeling of not doing enough comes from minimizing how much we do. It’s a good reason to have a short list each day of tasks to accomplish. It’s weird psychology. Many of us get real satisfaction out of checking off an item. What if you’re in bed and didn’t make a list that day. Here’s a trick to play on that stubborn brain. Write down several things you did during the day then immediately cross them off. It gives you the satisfaction of completion while also reminding you of things for which you can be grateful.

If this feeling persists for multiple nights or an extended period it may require greater efforts. Don’t hold it in. Talk to someone. Do some introspection. Maybe your subconscious is trying to send you a message and you need to receive it. Sometimes not being able to sleep because of the thoughts on your mind is an opportunity for insight. That’s another reason for gratitude.

Sleep well.