The 10x10 Sleep Challenge is drawing to a close and it’s been a restorative experience. We’re convinced that sleeping well is a key component of living well. After a month of going to bed by 10 PM, you should have a new habit. Given the different suggestions during the challenge you might be lucky enough to have several new and helpful habits. Sleep is vital for good health. Without health, you don’t have much in life. We wish you good health and good life. To keep you going on your sleep journey, here’s a few resources to review at your leisure.

National Sleep Foundation is a comprehensive site to research sleep topics.

NIH takes a more medical approach to sleep.

A sleep list with additional links from CNET

WebMD has a sleep disorders health center.


Take a look at some of these or start your own search. Whatever you do, keep building on the success you’ve had this month with sleep.

Thanks for joining Pareto Guide on this challenge and sleep well.