With only two nights left in the sleep challenge (you get a pass for Halloween), you’ve thought about sleep for almost a month. Even better if you’ve slept more hours and deeper for close to a month. You might be experiencing some of the benefits we’re seeing here at Pareto Guide. We’re reporting more energy, resilience to sickness, improved mood, and maybe some weight loss among other benefits. I’ve seen infomercials that promise less.

It’s exciting to think about the benefits that come from sleeping well. This is what makes sleep such a great subject for Pareto Guide. Small, inputs become giant returns that affect everything in your life. 80/20 seems an insufficient ratio. The benefits of sleep feel more like a 95/5 ratio. This month we’ve proven this out together. Simple steps have helped us go to sleep consistently by 10 PM each day. Each day we’ve woken up a little stronger. It’s helped us at work. It’s prevented us from succumbing to the sickness that is spreading at this time of year. We’ve felt better mentally. That makes it easier to be kind to others and share a positive attitude with those around us. And since we’re not craving junk food to get a quick energy fix, some of us have lost weight.

Finish the month strong. Two more nights of great sleep are going to feel so good.